increasing website traffic – SiteAuditor SiteAuditor | World's Best SEO Audit Tool Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:02:34 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 increasing website traffic – SiteAuditor 32 32 Not So Complex – DIY SEO Checklist for 2021 Thu, 04 Feb 2021 11:39:46 +0000 Online marketing is the new norm. With about 4.66 billion people using the internet as of 2020, it’s a no-brainer to want to craft a home for yourself in this space. After all, this is where your customers are.Therefore, if you are engaged in digital marketing, and yet you aren’t making sales, there’s a missing bridge between you and your customers- visibility.To get this visibility, you’d need SEO.Really, there’s no need to state the importance of inculcating the best SEO practices into your online business model. It speaks for itself-SEE DETAILS

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Is BERT update a good news for marketing agencies across the globe? Wed, 29 Jan 2020 10:43:01 +0000 Last October, Google created quite a pandemonium in the digital world with its Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT Update). Google called it one of its biggest updates in the last five years. So, what is BERT, and how is it going to impact the marketing agencies across the globe? We will dig into it further.BERT and its impact on the globeGoogle announced the BERT update to improve the interpretation of complex long-tail keywords and show more relevant search results. This essentially means that with BERT, Google can understand natural language, its context,SEE DETAILS

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Don’t Quit Your SEO business. SEO Market is Super HOT Tue, 26 Nov 2019 08:02:21 +0000 I feel sad when I see many small business owners who have started with SEO as their business is moving away into different fields like real estate, social media, paid media, etc.This is how I always felt when I saw great guys leaving the field of SEOBut I never had the right way to explain why SEO is still impressive. Suddenly one day, I read an article from Eli Schwartz, Growth Advisor, Former Director – Growth & SEO @Survey Monkey, and it made my day.He did an extensive survey onSEE DETAILS

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3 Must-Have Browser Extensions for Every Sales Person in a Digital Agency Thu, 21 Nov 2019 11:03:45 +0000 Selling services for a digital agency is a tough task. You are not only competing with umpteen number of agencies which mushroom every day but also with a lot of “so-called freelance experts” too.   Let’s accept the hard fact. Most of the agencies do not have something innovative to offer to the customers.   Services that are popularly offered are SEO, video marketing, inbound marketing, paid media marketing, social media management, design services, etc.   I have done sales for an agency, and I know that it takes a hell of a lot of timeSEE DETAILS

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How To Generate SEO Leads for Agencies and digital businesses Wed, 06 Nov 2019 08:58:00 +0000 We all know that SEO is awesome and blah blah but let’s be practical, if you are in a field where there is already a lot of content pollution, standing out and generating SEO leads is pretty tough if you just follow the age-old techniques like “ contact us forms”, “ebooks and white papers” to convert website traffic to leads. Yes! You are thinking of taking the other route of paid media marketing. Paid media marketing is wonderful but do you know the cost of lead in paid media? Paid media comesSEE DETAILS

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Why Digital Marketing Agencies Can Be Great Product Companies Tue, 24 Sep 2019 05:56:55 +0000 Digital Marketing Agencies are the ones who take the bulls by its horns. They work with customers of different industries, locations, and in their various stages like Startup, growth, expansion, etc. The agencies face a lot of complex challenges in real-time and have very minimal time to resolve and move on. Agencies understand the problems much better because not only they have experienced it first hand. The Agency team has also found multiple ways to get around so they know exactly how they wish it can be solved. They are notSEE DETAILS

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Every Marketing Agency Will DIE if they do this ONE mistake Thu, 12 Sep 2019 07:34:58 +0000 Every Marketer is a convergence of an artist, a psychologist, a scientist, and a technologist. It is one of the toughest jobs today on this planet. I am myself a marketer who was part of implementing most robust banking transformations for sales and marketing teams, building an impressive marketing automation suite, ran a marketing agency, and now helping agencies grow to new heights. After interviewing a lot of marketing agency owners, analyzing the behavior, crunching the data sets, I have identified one reason why most of the agencies DIE. Working with a WrongSEE DETAILS

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WHY WEBSITE PAGE LOAD SPEED MATTERS AND HOW TO FIX IT !! Tue, 09 Jul 2019 11:00:13 +0000 Website Page Load SpeedNeed to know whether updates?Want to check out the news headlines or the cricket score quickly?All we need to do is ask Google.We all like to get things done faster, for example, if we need to know a recipe for chocolate cake? Search engines will populate hundreds of results within a few seconds. Speed is probably one of the alluring forces for people to come to search engines for almost all their queries.No wonder, all the search engines take website page loading speed as a top criterionSEE DETAILS

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What Is a Site Audit & Why it is important? Tue, 25 Jun 2019 10:10:14 +0000 Does your website have an aesthetic design with all the functionalities?Do you plan to market it and generate leads for your business?Before planning to invest in marketing your website, there is one more thing you need to make sure of, and that is to check if your website is up to the standards prescribed by the search engines.All the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc., work based on complex algorithms that function on specific criteria, and the websites which fall within these criteria rank first among theSEE DETAILS

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5 New Thoughts About White Label SEO Report That Will Move Your Business To New Heights Thu, 18 Oct 2018 11:41:04 +0000 Whether you are looking for a comprehensive reporting tool to showcase the work done for your clients, or you are an in-house SEO specialist searching for a tool that can map your different group sites on essential parameters, an SEO report that can be auto-generated is now becoming mainstream. Clients usually do not get the nitty-gritty of SEO, and you would bore them to death elaborating on the funnel drop-off insights that you recently stumbled upon. A report is the best way to explain different aspects briefly and use itSEE DETAILS

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Why Is White Label Seo Audit The Most Trending Thing Now? Wed, 17 Oct 2018 11:39:15 +0000 A small business owner understands the importance of digital presence and invested a lot of time and money in building a fantastic bakery website. Excellent content and Jaw-dropping images, Design, User-friendly navigation.However, she quickly realizes that her website does not feature on the first or second page of the search engine, even if someone searches for a bakery in her area. When she explains this to her friend over a cup of coffee, she suggested her to look for a digital marketing agency to optimize her website and make itSEE DETAILS

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How to Build the Most Effective Lead Magnet for Agency Tue, 11 Sep 2018 05:03:20 +0000 When it comes to attracting new businesses, a potent tool at an agency’s disposal is a lead magnet. A lead magnet is an irresistible offer that provides high value to a prospect in exchange for their contact information. Why would anyone want to give out his or her details like an email id to you? They won’t, not unless you give them some valuable information that addresses their pain points in a way that a simple Google search can’t. Lead magnets are a very personal marketing tactic that allows yourSEE DETAILS

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Is Your Blog’s Newsletter Sign-Up Form Delivering Lesser Leads? Here’s What You Must Know Tue, 11 Sep 2018 05:01:54 +0000 The nature of the internet and technology makes disruption a daily norm, not just displacing the very elements that brought it fame, with something more better, faster and safer, but introducing better ones to make our lives easier. Combine technology and the web, and you get to run your blog today at price points that would have been laughed at a few years back. But as the market expanded, so did the competition. Long before there were different channels like social media or video, email was the biggest battleground. InSEE DETAILS

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5 Easy Steps Every Blogger Should Follow to Monetize Their Blog Tue, 11 Sep 2018 05:00:18 +0000   You must have probably heard podcasts or read articles on how people earn money by just blogging for a few hours a week from a home office at a quaint location. You must have rubbished it as a gimmick. But guess what… With a smart strategy and original content, you can make your blog the primary source of your income. Don’t you believe us? Well, look at these examples and statistics: A few days ago, Neil Patel, the co-founder of Crazy Egg and Kissmetrics and a well-known marketing blogger spokeSEE DETAILS

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Top 3 growth challenges for a digital marketing agency Tue, 17 Jul 2018 08:22:14 +0000 According to a recent survey, 83% of agencies believe digital marketing to be one of the fastest-changing industries in the present era because of its association with the rapidly evolving online world.Technology comes and goes, and it’s not just a matter of sites that emerges and vanishes. However, 91% of business owners believe that the growth highly depends on the way people interact online, the software they use, the devices in use, and many more. According to research conducted by Hubspot, there exist many challenges but the top three challengesSEE DETAILS

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Generate Leads like Hubspot & Neil Patel in just 30 days using SiteAuditor Thu, 28 Jun 2018 08:14:29 +0000 Every Marketer should ask this question to himself every day until you get the answer.Is there something interesting available on your website, which will give people a reason to keeping coming back to your site?As John Mueller says, adding appropriate keywords onto the title tags or improving bad inbound links are all very important but ‘short-term thinking’ but the larger goal: driving business by converting visitors to leads and convert leads to sales. Sadly, most of the websites don’t have a lead magnet. However, marketers who have cracked the aboveSEE DETAILS

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What is GDPR and how does it impact Digital Marketing Mon, 25 Jun 2018 06:14:17 +0000 The internet has left no aspect of life untouched, and the time has come where we can’t live a single day without the internet. While everything is turning digital and internet becoming an integral part of life, the dark clouds of security breach have started getting darker, bringing a headache to every internet user and digital marketer, beginning GDPR into the frame.For every web user and consumer, personal data is the currency that opens the door to infinite service and operations. Similarly, for the marketers, information is the key toSEE DETAILS

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What is the right page speed and why is it so important? Mon, 11 Jun 2018 08:31:31 +0000 Website properties are as essential as businesses’ physical properties, and in some cases, there is no latter element. Think about Uber or Amazon, which are web-based services. Compare today’s information or knowledge economy that is based on information on your fingertips, to the ’90s when the web was ironically called WWW(World Wide Wait). This is where the topic of speed comes into the picture. Page speed is a critical factor that can add or shave off millions for certain businesses overnight.Page speed should not be confused with page loading time.SEE DETAILS

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Why Is Google Prioritising Mobile Friendliness In Its Search Ranking Criteria? Fri, 08 Jun 2018 13:18:03 +0000 Webmasters and marketers around the world realize the pot of gold lies in their mobile strategy. With Moore’s law playing out every year that sees an increase in computing power for every square inch of a circuit, the smartphone today is much faster than all the computers combined, that took Apollo to the moon. Consumers are increasingly moving to a mobile-first mindset, and Google is pushing this agenda of mobile-friendliness that goes even beyond its pervasive search business via text and clicks. For enterprises and search engineers, mobile-friendliness as aSEE DETAILS

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A Tool Which Got Hubspot Listed on Nasdaq Wed, 02 May 2018 08:02:45 +0000 Recently, I was at an event, and I heard an executive talk about how his sales force was the oxygen to his company. While you might have a great product or an interesting quarter strategy to push your firm’s market share up, your marketing team is what gives you wind in your sails. And the lead generation is where it all starts.That’s where the story of HubSpot fits in perfectly. The company invented inbound marketing, the science of creating content that appeals and engages target consumers, generates quality leads, andSEE DETAILS

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How to choose the best SEO tool Tue, 27 Mar 2018 13:40:35 +0000 A simple Google search is how you might have chanced upon our website. We could have been ranked somewhere near the top (we’d be delighted if you found us at #1 or #2 of the results page), but the way to the top is always hard. It takes more than sheer optimization oriented efforts, and the process has to be aided with the right, if not the best SEO tools. But the market is crowded with hundreds of providers providing ‘the best SEO tools and options’ either providing cost or marginalSEE DETAILS

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Why Every Agency should have a White Label SEO Audit Tool in their Kitty!! Fri, 23 Mar 2018 11:30:42 +0000 Before getting into the need to have a White Label SEO Audit Tool in your kitty, let us understand what this term ‘White Label SEO Audit Tool’ actually means!! An SEO Audit Tool is like what a thermometer is to a doctor. It helps the marketers know the health of a website in just a few seconds. White Label is all about making website health report (popularly known as Website Audit report or SEO Audit Report)  as yours, i.e. without any third party branding 🙂 Every Agency which works in the field ofSEE DETAILS

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Are contact forms dead? Mon, 19 Feb 2018 11:47:29 +0000 When Formstack – a data management company specializing in online forms, surveyed 400,000 users to understand the conversion of contact forms, they realized that only 3% of the users filled the form. It was even worse for digital agencies, with only 1% of the users filling the form. This was a surprising trend considering that for long, marketers have considered forms to be the best method to generate leads. They use forms to gate unique and well-researched content such as ebooks and white papers and use the information entered bySEE DETAILS

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Past, Present and the Future of Google Page Rank Mon, 29 Jan 2018 07:53:14 +0000 When Google PageRank was created, it opened doors for the search engines to capitalize on search methods. A web page is essential to a user – based on interests, business, or attitude. On the World Wide Web, there are thousands of web pages with varying significance for one person or another.Web pages are designed in a way that they are ranked based on their significance to their target audience. Thus, when Larry Page and Sergey Bin invented Google PageRank, they created a world of endless possibilities where search terms canSEE DETAILS

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God Damn! my website traffic is not increasing at all Wed, 04 Oct 2017 08:10:24 +0000 There are many reasons as to why a website or blog may not be getting enough traffic.There is no one single answer to the question of how to increase organic traffic on the website, but the following is a detailed checklist if followed correctly make sure that you will double your traffic in the shortest period with no marketing expense. 1. Are you Google-friendly?Google is the top player in the search engine world. One has to be visible on Google for your website traffic to increase, be seen, and get business.SEE DETAILS

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