Uncategorized – SiteAuditor https://siteauditor.com SiteAuditor | World's Best SEO Audit Tool Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:02:34 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.17 https://siteauditor.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/LOGO-81x81.png Uncategorized – SiteAuditor https://siteauditor.com 32 32 GrowthRobotics + MailChimp https://siteauditor.com/growthrobotics-mailchimp/ https://siteauditor.com/growthrobotics-mailchimp/#respond Fri, 16 Jul 2021 12:40:07 +0000 http://growthrobotics.com/?p=10176 Push leads from GrowthRobotics to MailChimp instantlyMailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing tools. By Integrating GrowthRobotics with Mailchimp, you can push your leads instantly and reach them faster.Follow these 3 simple steps to enable GrowthRobotics Integration to Mailchimp.Step 1:Login to GrowthRobotics and click on Integrations.Step 2:In the MailChimp section, click Enable.Step 3:Enter the Username and Password of your MailChimp Account.Step 4:Hit Allow to be able to run a GR Test.Step 5:Once you hit Allow in step 4, you will be redirected to the integrations settings page. FromSEE DETAILS

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SiteAuditor + Zapier https://siteauditor.com/growthrobotics-zapier/ https://siteauditor.com/growthrobotics-zapier/#respond Fri, 16 Jul 2021 12:39:57 +0000 http://growthrobotics.com/?p=10204 Direct Leads from SiteAuditor to any application using ZapierWe have integrated Zapier into the CRM tools. Using which you can send all the leads created in SiteAuditor to CRM tools effortlessly!What is Zapier?Zapier is a tool that is used to connect applications to save time.Why Zapier in SiteAuditor?To improve your experience when using CRM tools in marketing automation and throughout your lead nurturing process. To send leads that you generate on your website to CRM tools like HubSpot, Active Campaign, MailChimp, etc.Log in with your SiteAuditor Account and click on Integrations.SEE DETAILS

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GrowthRobotics in any language you want. Seriously any. https://siteauditor.com/siteauditor-in-any-language/ https://siteauditor.com/siteauditor-in-any-language/#respond Thu, 08 Jul 2021 08:07:51 +0000 http://growthrobotics.com/?p=10215 If there are more than 6,500 known languages in the world, why should we restrict you to just a few!We’ve been getting loads of requests to make GrowthRobotics reports available infrequently used languages like French, Spanish, etc. Our first thought was to provide the report in 7-8 languages when one of our fellow geeks came up with the idea to integrate this feature with Google Sheets and give the freedom of choosing the language to the user. Awesome, right?What you get with this featureGenerate SEO Audit report in ANY LANGUAGESEE DETAILS

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GrowthRobotics + HubSpot https://siteauditor.com/siteauditor-hubspot/ https://siteauditor.com/siteauditor-hubspot/#respond Thu, 08 Jul 2021 08:07:45 +0000 http://growthrobotics.com/?p=10208 Push leads from GrowthRobotics to HubSpot instantly.HubSpot does not need an intro. It’s a world leader in marketing and sales software and helps companies in attracting visitors, converting them into leads, and eventually closing them as happy customers. HubSpot has thousands of agencies in their partner program.With HubSpot and GrowthRobotics integration you can:Push leads from GrowthRobotics to HubSpotTrigger Campaigns and WorkflowsView Audit Score of prospects directly in HubSpotView Report URL directly in HubSpotFollow these steps to enable GrowthRobotics to integrate with HubSpot:Step 1:Login to GrowthRobotics & click on Integrations.Step 2:InSEE DETAILS

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HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST SEO TOOL https://siteauditor.com/choose-best-seo-tool/ https://siteauditor.com/choose-best-seo-tool/#respond Tue, 02 Apr 2019 07:31:45 +0000 https://siteauditor.com/?p=3254 A simple Google search is how you might have chanced upon our website. We could have been ranked somewhere near the top (we’d be delighted if you found us at #1 or #2 of the results page), but the way to the top is always hard. It takes more than sheer optimization oriented efforts, and the process has to be aided with the right, if not the best SEO tools.But the market is crowded with hundreds of providers providing ‘the best SEO tools and options’ either providing cost or marginalSEE DETAILS

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What is GDPR and how does it impact Digital Marketing https://siteauditor.com/what-is-gdpr-and-how-does-it-impact-digital-marketing/ https://siteauditor.com/what-is-gdpr-and-how-does-it-impact-digital-marketing/#respond Mon, 25 Jun 2018 06:14:17 +0000 https://siteauditor.com/?p=3892 The internet has left no aspect of life untouched, and the time has come where we can’t live a single day without the internet. While everything is turning digital and internet becoming an integral part of life, the dark clouds of security breach have started getting darker, bringing a headache to every internet user and digital marketer, beginning GDPR into the frame.For every web user and consumer, personal data is the currency that opens the door to infinite service and operations. Similarly, for the marketers, information is the key toSEE DETAILS

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What is the right page speed and why is it so important? https://siteauditor.com/what-is-the-right-page-speed-and-why-is-it-so-important/ https://siteauditor.com/what-is-the-right-page-speed-and-why-is-it-so-important/#respond Mon, 11 Jun 2018 08:31:31 +0000 https://siteauditor.com/?p=3834 Website properties are as essential as businesses’ physical properties, and in some cases, there is no latter element. Think about Uber or Amazon, which are web-based services. Compare today’s information or knowledge economy that is based on information on your fingertips, to the ’90s when the web was ironically called WWW(World Wide Wait). This is where the topic of speed comes into the picture. Page speed is a critical factor that can add or shave off millions for certain businesses overnight.Page speed should not be confused with page loading time.SEE DETAILS

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Why Is Google Prioritising Mobile Friendliness In Its Search Ranking Criteria? https://siteauditor.com/why-is-google-prioritising-mobile-friendliness-in-its-search-ranking-criteria/ https://siteauditor.com/why-is-google-prioritising-mobile-friendliness-in-its-search-ranking-criteria/#respond Fri, 08 Jun 2018 13:18:03 +0000 https://siteauditor.com/?p=3788 Webmasters and marketers around the world realize the pot of gold lies in their mobile strategy. With Moore’s law playing out every year that sees an increase in computing power for every square inch of a circuit, the smartphone today is much faster than all the computers combined, that took Apollo to the moon. Consumers are increasingly moving to a mobile-first mindset, and Google is pushing this agenda of mobile-friendliness that goes even beyond its pervasive search business via text and clicks. For enterprises and search engineers, mobile-friendliness as aSEE DETAILS

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A Tool Which Got Hubspot Listed on Nasdaq https://siteauditor.com/the-single-tool-that-got-hubspot-listed-on-nasdaq-2/ https://siteauditor.com/the-single-tool-that-got-hubspot-listed-on-nasdaq-2/#respond Wed, 02 May 2018 08:02:45 +0000 https://siteauditor.com/?p=3588 Recently, I was at an event, and I heard an executive talk about how his sales force was the oxygen to his company. While you might have a great product or an interesting quarter strategy to push your firm’s market share up, your marketing team is what gives you wind in your sails. And the lead generation is where it all starts.That’s where the story of HubSpot fits in perfectly. The company invented inbound marketing, the science of creating content that appeals and engages target consumers, generates quality leads, andSEE DETAILS

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How to choose the best SEO tool https://siteauditor.com/how-to-choose-the-best-seo-tool/ https://siteauditor.com/how-to-choose-the-best-seo-tool/#comments Tue, 27 Mar 2018 13:40:35 +0000 https://siteauditor.com/?p=3142 A simple Google search is how you might have chanced upon our website. We could have been ranked somewhere near the top (we’d be delighted if you found us at #1 or #2 of the results page), but the way to the top is always hard. It takes more than sheer optimization oriented efforts, and the process has to be aided with the right, if not the best SEO tools. But the market is crowded with hundreds of providers providing ‘the best SEO tools and options’ either providing cost or marginalSEE DETAILS

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Why Every Agency should have a White Label SEO Audit Tool in their Kitty!! https://siteauditor.com/why-every-agency-should-have-a-white-label-seo-audit-tool-in-their-kitty/ https://siteauditor.com/why-every-agency-should-have-a-white-label-seo-audit-tool-in-their-kitty/#respond Fri, 23 Mar 2018 11:30:42 +0000 https://siteauditor.com/?p=3085 Before getting into the need to have a White Label SEO Audit Tool in your kitty, let us understand what this term ‘White Label SEO Audit Tool’ actually means!! An SEO Audit Tool is like what a thermometer is to a doctor. It helps the marketers know the health of a website in just a few seconds. White Label is all about making website health report (popularly known as Website Audit report or SEO Audit Report)  as yours, i.e. without any third party branding 🙂 Every Agency which works in the field ofSEE DETAILS

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How to do an SEO Audit in less than 10 Minutes https://siteauditor.com/how-to-do-an-seo-audit-in-less-than-10-minutes/ https://siteauditor.com/how-to-do-an-seo-audit-in-less-than-10-minutes/#respond Tue, 20 Mar 2018 07:29:10 +0000 https://siteauditor.com/?p=3017 Before getting into how to perform an SEO audit, lets us first understand what correctly SEO Audit is!There are around 140,000 websites created every day, and on average, Google processes around 40,000 search queries per second, which means over 3.5 billion searches per day- that’s a lot.So being on Page 1 is very critical to generating business from online channels.But now the question arises- How do you land on Page 1?Well, there are various factors that decide your position on Page 1, and to check these factors, it’s important toSEE DETAILS

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